The history of Spring Schools
- 1983
- J. Blietner : Potential Theory - A Probabilistic Approach
- 1984
- Ch. Berg : Harmonic Analysis and Potential Theory
- 1985
- P. Loeb : Nonstandard Analysis
- 1986
- M. Giaquinta, E. Giusti,
G. Modica : Regularity of Weak Solutions of PDE's
- 1987
- F. Hirzebruch :
A Development of Riemann-Roach and Atiyah-Singer Theorems
- 1989
- H. Bauer :
Korovkin Theorems and Related Topics (Cancelled because of the Velvet Revolution)
- 1990
- T. Kilpelainen, O. Martio,
Ju. Reshetnyak :
Nonlinear Potential Theory and Quasiconformal Mapping
- 1991
- M. Roeckner : Dirichlet Forms
- 1992
- L.-I. Hedberg, J. Kral, L. Zajicek :
Small and Exceptional Sets in Analysis and Potential Theory
- R. Deville, G. Godefroy, V. Zizler :
Recent Trends in Banach Spaces
- M. Degiovanni, M. Kucera, A. Marino,
P. Quittner, F. Schuricht :
Variational Inequalities
- 1993
- R. Haydon : Recent Trends in Banach Spaces
- J. Maly, W. Ziemer : Fine Regularity of Solutions of Elliptic PDE's
- G. Choquet, M. Husek, S. Negrepontis,
R. Phelps, V. Ptak,
S. Troyanski, L. Tzafriri, V. Zizler :
Banach Spaces, Related Areas and Applications
- 1994
- N. Tomczak-Jaegermann, B. Maurey, E. W. Odell, T. Schlumprecht :
Recent Trends in Banach Spaces
- C. Kenig : Harmonic Analysis Technique for PDE's in Lipschitz Domains
- 1995
- Y. Benyamini, P. Enflo,
P. Mankiewicz, G. Schechtman :
Recent Trends in Banach Spaces
- Stefan Mueller : Mathematical models of microstructure
- 1996
- J. Diestel, H. Jarchow,
R. Aron, G. Godefroy,
V. Zizler :
Recent Trends in Banach Spaces
- 1997 - [Apr] [Jun]
- F. Altomare, G. Choquet,
S. Simons, V. Zizler :
Boundaries and Convexity in Banach Spaces
- V. Havin :
Approximation and uniqueness properties of harmonic differential forms
- 1998 - [Apr]
- J. Lindenstrauss, G. Godefroy,
J. Orihuela, R. Paya :
Recent Trends in Banach Spaces
- S.J. Gardiner, P.J. Rippon :
Harmonic Approximation and Complex Dynamics
- 1999 - [Apr]
- I.I. Namioka, N.
V. Fonf, J.M.F. Castillo
Recent Trends in Banach Spaces
- J. Appell, E.
Pustylnik C. Perez:
Function Spaces and Their Applications
- 2000 - [Apr]
- Robert Deville, Alexander Ioffe,
Philip Loewen,
Terry Rockafellar:
(Non)smooth Analysis in Banach Spaces
- Victor Lomonosov, Sergei Treil ,
Alexander Volberg,
Yurii Lyubarskii:
Some Recent Techniques in
Harmonic Analysis
- 2001 - [Apr]
- Yoav Benyamini,
Gilles Lancien,
Joram Lindenstrauss,
Gideon Schechtman: Analysis in Banach Spaces
- Andrea Cianchi,
Michael Cwikel,
Mario Milman: Function Spaces and Interpolation
- 2003 - [Apr]
A. Ioffe,
A. Lewis,
B.S. Mordukhovich,
J.-P. Penot: Variational Analysis
Lars-Inge Hedberg,
Igor Verbitsky: Function Spaces and Applications
- 2004 - [Apr]
S. Argyros,
W. Marciszewski,
J. Orihuela,
S. Todorcevic,
S. Troyanski: Nonseparable Banach Spaces
- 2005 - [Jun]
W. Desmond Evans,
Pavel Shvartsman: Function Spaces and Applications
- 2006 - [Apr]
R.T. Rockafellar,
J. Borwein,
J.V. Outrata,
W. Roemisch,
B.S. Mordukhovich: Variational Analysis and its Applications
- 2007 - [Jun]
Grahame Bennett,
Mario Milman: Function Spaces, Inequalities and Interpolation
- 2009 - [Apr]
Frederic Bonnans,
Aris Daniilidis,
Assen L. Dontchev,
Alexander Ioffe: Variational Analysis and its Applications
- 2009 - [Jun]
Anders Björn,
Fernando Cobos,
Thierry Coulhon,
Peter A. Hästö: Function Spaces, Inequalities and Interpolation
2010 - [May]
Gerald B. Folland,
Stéphane Jaffard,
Thomas William Körner: Harmonic Analysis
2011 - [Jun]
Michael Lacey,
Andrei K. Lerner: Function Spaces, Approximation, Inequalities and Lineability
2012 - [Apr]
René Henrion,
Alexander Ioffe,
Alejandro Jofré,
Boris Mordukhovich: Variational Analysis and its Applications
2013 - [Jun]
Lars Diening,
Javier Duoandikoetxea,
Carlos Perez,
Vladimir Stepanov: Function Spaces and Inequalities
2015 - [April]
Jonathan M. Borwein (lectures given by Matthew Tam),
Marián Fabian,
Alexander Ioffe,
David Russell Luke: Variational Analysis and its Applications
2015 - [Jun]
Pekka Koskela,
Luboš Pick,
Juan B. Seoane-Sepúlveda: Function Spaces and Lineability IX
2017 - [Jun]
Andrea Cianchi, David Cruz-Uribe, Piotr Hajłasz: Embeddings and Extrapolation X
2019 - [Jun]
Loukas Grafakos, José María Martell, Aldo Pratelli: Function Spaces and Applications XI
2021 - [Jun]
Unfortunately, the school was canceled because of the covid-19 pandemic.
2023 - [Jun]
Petru Mironescu, Daniel Spector, Jean Van Schaftingen: Function Spaces and Applications XII